PR isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
2 min read
Joy Youell
Jun 7, 2024 3:56:15 PM
Oh boy, let’s talk about earned media.
You know, that thing that has become a gigantic headache these days?
It’s like winning applause from a tough crowd—only happens if you truly impress them.
So, how do you make your pitch stand out without looking desperate?
Let’s dive in.
Here’s something that grinds my gears: irrelevant pitches.
Imagine you’re pitching me a guest for a podcast I don’t even have guests on.
What is that?
Are we just throwing darts blindfolded now?
Here’s a Tip: Look, it’s not rocket science. Just make sure your pitch aligns with what the person actually covers. It’s like showing up to a vegetarian’s house with a brisket.
It just doesn’t make sense.
We all have the attention span of a goldfish these days, so why are you writing a novel in your subject line?
I’ve seen subject lines that drag on longer than a bad movie.
Keep it Short: Stick to one to five words.
Yes, that’s it!
If email marketers are the smart cookies everyone says they are, and they’re keeping it short, why aren’t you?
Here’s where a lot of you get tripped up.
You throw in four links, a PDF, a JPEG of your dog—stop overwhelming people!
It’s like giving someone five different road maps and saying, “Hope you find it okay!”
Just One: One link, one call-to-action.
Keep it simple.
They’re more likely to actually look at it rather than tossing it in the digital garbage.
Remember the last time you left a good comment on an article?
Yeah, me neither.
But guess what?
It’s back in style! And please, for the love of sanity, don’t let a robot write your comment.
That’s like sending a cardboard cutout of yourself to a party.
Actually Engage: Drop a comment that shows you’ve read the article. It’s a bit like laughing at someone’s jokes at a party—it gets you noticed.
And here we come to the big finale: measurement.
I know, I know, it’s about as exciting as watching paint dry.
But if you’re not measuring the impact of your pitches, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
Get Smart With It: Use tools like Google Analytics.
See what’s working and what’s flopping harder than a bad sitcom.
Adjust, adapt, and improve.
Look, earning media attention doesn’t have to be like solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.
Keep it relevant, keep it concise, and for heaven’s sake, measure your results.
Do these things, and you’ll move from being unnoticed to becoming a key player.
Trust me, it’s better on this side of the media fence.
PR isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
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